Nursing Assistant (NA) Course Benefits
- Hands-On Experience. Students learn skills that will enable nursing assistants to provide quality care for residents in nursing homes, as well as supplemental information and skills that will enable graduates to provide quality health care and patients in hospitals.
- Infection control
- Learn to take vital signs, such as Blood Pressure, Pulse, Respiration, Temperature
- Range of motion exercises, walking, transferring, positioning
- How to be a valuable and adaptable employee
- Communication, teamwork and diversity skills for the work place
- Important skills and techniques necessary to be a successful Nurse Assistant.
- Promote Safety
- Providing Care
- Special Care Instructions with special needs
- Licensed Instructors with Professional Experience
- Course Length: Day Class for 20 Days, and Evening & Saturday Class for 29 days.
- Transition support from Student to Employee
- Accessible Locations (near public transportation)
- Small Class Sizes